2023 Member Awards
The Benefits of IAEI Membership
Desiring to provide its members with the best preparation for a rewarding career in the electrical industry, IAEI has designed a program of education that is far-reaching, thorough, and authoritative.
Seminars are offered at the international office, on-site at various corporations and municipalities, and jointly with various sections, chapters, and divisions. Subjects include grounding and bonding, hazardous locations, one- and two-family dwelling, residential inspections, commercial inspections, neon lighting, health care facilities, analysis of code changes, and other topics upon request.
IAEI books are among the best on the market for thoroughly presenting all facets of a given topic. In addition to regular texts, several study guides are tailored to help members pass the various tests required for advancement in his or her career. Code books and other electrical books that have been thoroughly screened for compliance to the codes are also offered.
IAEI News, recognized as the premier publication in the electrical field, always contains articles that are relevant to many of the situations that arise daily for AHJs and installers. It also contains pertinent information on sections, chapters and divisions as well as member activities.
IAEI’s training materials—in PowerPoint format—are highly sought out and eagerly awaited. These materials are prepared for each book and seminar and graphically portray each situation discussed.
Each of the above educational opportunities is offered to members at discounted prices.
Electrical safety has always been the main goal of IAEI and its focus has been to insist that every person in the industry do everything possible to ensure that safety. Consequently, the association has insisted that its greatest benefit to its members is to focus on seven simple actions:
Assist in writing and evaluating standards
Teach unvarying application of codes
Lobby for equable rules and inspection methods
Publish articles and books on safe installations
Support inspectors’ interests to manufacturers, labs, and contractors
Work to further develop the industry
Urge cooperation among inspectors, government, industry and public
Customer Service Benefits
Many services are offered to the members—from a comprehensive web site and bulletin board, to logo products for awards, clothing, business or membership items, to furnishing logos for personal or chapters printing, to supplying extra brochures and magazines for distribution, to tracking of shipments to special shipments to chapter or section seminars, to keeping track of CEUs earned, and notifying members of upcoming renewal dates.
Personal Benefits
IAEI has arranged for some benefits to assist a member in achieving his or her professional and personal goals.
Certification in Electrical Inspections
Excellent certification programs have been developed:
National Certification Program for Construction Code Inspectors (NCPCCI)
Developed by national code enforcement organizations in collaboration with Experior Assessments, this testing program provides nationally recognized evidence of competence and professionalism in construction code knowledge. This is particularly useful to inspectors and plan reviewers.
IAEI Certified Electrical Inspector (CEI) Program
This program focuses on two areas: CEI Residential and CEI Master. Its objective is to enhance performance in the use and application of the National Electrical Code® and to promote professionalism within the electrical inspector field. Benefits of this program include:
Certification by IAEI, the most recognized international organization in the electrical inspection industry
Professional recognition through listing in the International Registry of Certified Electrical Inspectors
Demonstrated competence and knowledge in electrical inspections
Advancement in your career.