AFCI Video Demo by Paul Kaiser


The MRC Public Hearing on March 21, 2024 at the Michigan Library

There were around 50 people in attendance. There was a Fire Sprinkler apprentice group in attendance. We had quite a few of our members present, there was a good electrical presence.
Speaking at the hearing included one from the Michigan Home Builders Association, Robert Filka, spoke against sprinklers and arc-faults and stated the Regulatory Impact Statement did not cover all the changes. He also stated that removing the electrical sections needed to be done by the legislators. Jeffrey Bowdell, Building Official spoke about the state should be using the model codes that are vetted at the national level with more expertise than vetting them again in Michigan with people of less expertise. There were four that spoke in support of sprinklers being added to the MRC and we had 11 from the electrical industry that spoke in support of removing the electrical requirements from the MRC and reference the Michigan Electrical Code, having only one electrical code in Michigan. Bert Gale, Gerry O’Connor, David Williams, Joel Tobias, Paul Waug, Doug Scott, John Stoudt, Paul Kaiser, Beau Burton, Chris Cleveland, and Evan Detone.

The hearing only lasted about 45 minutes and people were able to send email comments to the bureau until 5:00 pm. We are not sure when the full Hearing report and a list of all comments will be available.

Paul Kaiser, Square D, had a demonstration of an AFCI breaker vs a standard thermal magnetic breaker.  

Thank you to everyone that either attended the hearing, spoke in support of only one electrical code in Michigan and to those that sent in comments.

We need your support for having only one electrical code in Michigan,  We need it Now more than ever before.

Please consider sending an email of support for removing the electrical requirements from the MRC and revert to the Michigan Electrical Code only.
We are so close but we need your support.   The Public Hearing information is below. Attend if you can.
The Public Hearing is March 21, 2024 at 9:00 am

Michigan Library & Historical Center. First Floor Forum

Michigan Historical Center, 702 W Kalamazoo St, Lansing, MI 48915

Remove the Electrical Requirements from the Part 5 Michigan Residential Code (MRC) and Incorporate by Reference the Part 8 Michigan Electrical Code.
– A single electrical code would reduce cost for the industry.
– A single electrical code will enhance uniform application of electrical safety requirements across the state for inspectors, electricians, and contractors.
– Aligns with apprenticeship training and other Code update courses, whose curriculum is based on the National Electrical Code (NEC).
– Majority of licensed electricians do not own the MRC and rely on the NEC as the benchmark for safe electrical installations.
– The State electrical examinations are based on the MEC and the National Electrical Code and not the MRC.
– The MRC is limited in scope and does not cover requirements for all residential related electrical installations (Wind, Solar, Electric Vehicles, Energy Storage, Generators, etc.)
2023 Michigan Electrical Code 
Adopted November 13, 2023
Effective March 12, 2024

The 2023 Michigan Electrical  Code was adopted on November 13, 2023 with an effective date of March 12, 2024.